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Premium Sound Solutions

Policy 2019

Quality Policy

  • Premium Sound Solutions strives to deliver the highest value / zero defects to its customers driven by a mindset of continuous improvement
  • To realize this Premium Sound Solutions is committed to:
    • Develop, maintain and continuously improve products, processes and systems to reach a best in the industry
    • Give high attention to product safety and be compliant with all relevant laws and regulations
    • Meet all relevant environmental legislation and other requirements
    • Be compliant with all agreed customers’ requirements
    • Apply where relevant a mindset of pro-active and risk-based thinking
    • Provide competent personnel, infrastructure and operating processes
    • Secure a well-trained and competent workforce by providing the necessary training and supervision
    • Implement systems for measurement, analysis and improvement of product, services, processes and the management system
    • Set and review effective and measurable objectives and targets to stimulate continuous improvement
    • Regularly audit the Management System’s performance and effectiveness to secure its relevance
    • Embrace and encourage feedback from customers and employees
    • Commitment to the above policy will be demonstrated by regular review of improvement plans by the management. Corrective and preventive actions will be taken to ensure continuous improvement.

Environmental Policy

  • Premium Sound Solutions recognizes the need to manage the impact of its products, processes and business on the environment
  • To manage this impact, Premium Sound Solutions is committed to:
    • Integrate environmental care in the Premium Sound Solutions’ Management System
    • Install in each location an environmental steering committee which:
      • Coordinates all environmental requirements and install continuous improvement of environmental issues
      • Define and review together with the management the yearly KPI’s and targets
      • Yearly review the environmental aspects and applicable legislation
    • Examine the lifecycle of the products together with customers to minimalize the impact on the planet
    • Prevent and reduce negative environmental effects of its processes to actively support sustainability
    • Assist suppliers in formulating their own environmental policies
    • Select suppliers who guarantee to comply with the local legislation covering their operations and with international legislation concerning product composition and liability
    • Meet all relevant environmental legislation and other requirements
    • Avoid the use of conflict minerals in our products by demanding evidence from our supply chain that the provided materials are ‘conflict free’
    • Be fully transparent related to our environmental policy towards interested parties
  • Commitment to the above policy will be demonstrated by regular review of improvement plans by the management. Corrective and preventive actions will be taken to ensure continuous improvement.

Health & Safety Policy

  • Premium Sound Solutions is committed to provide a safe place to work for employees and contractors by implementing standards and controls that continuously monitor and improve the application and effectiveness of the safety management system.
  • Premium Sound Solutions will realize this policy by:
    • Compliance with all relevant laws and regulations
    • Giving the highest attention to product safety
    • Performing our work in the safest manner throughout our operations, consistent with best industry practice that satisfies employee and customer expectations
    • Communicating open with employees, contractors and customers on matters relating to health & safety
    • Recognizing accountability for the care and safety of each other and the consequences of our actions
    • Holding all levels of management accountable for health & safety matters in their areas
    • Giving safety of employees and third parties priority over all other interests and demands
  • Commitment to the above policy will be demonstrated by regular review of improvement plans by the management. Corrective and preventive actions will be taken to ensure continuous improvement.

Security Policy

  • Premium Sound Solutions will protect the employees, its assets, information, integrity and reputation from potential threats to ensure the business continuity.
  • Premium Sound Solutions recognizes that secure operations depend on the employee’s participation, commitment and accountability.
  • Therefor this policy counts on a set of Basic Core Values including professionalism, respect for employees and stakeholders and a permanent concern for health, safety and protection of the environment.
  • These general Basic Core Values are worked out in detail and written down in procedures or guidelines for the concerned business process in following areas:
    • Access control
    • Information and IT security
    • Employee health & safety
    • Document & record control
  • Commitment to the above policy will be demonstrated by regular review of improvement plans by the management. Corrective and preventive actions will be taken to ensure continuous improvement.