Used for hybrid and electric powered cars, to warn pedestrians/cyclists of an approaching vehicle at lower speed
Pedestrian Warning Speaker
Speaker that automatically gets in contact with the emergency services in case of a serious road accident
E-call Speaker
Mid-range Speakers
Reproduction of the mid frequencies that represents the largest part of the audio bandwidth.
Mid ranges are integrated in many different locations throughout the car.
3D Speakers
Hatshelf Speakers
Head Rest Speakers
Front Door Boxes
Sub Woofer Box
In order to further enhance the low frequency experience, exciters are added to the seat to provide personal mechanical vibrations. The options to use the exciters for other Haptic feedback or other messages are numerous.
Slim speaker design with high stroke for integration in the hatshelf
Speaker to reproduce lower frequencies, integrated in doors and/or boxes
Speakers to reproduce high frequencies, integrated in doors and/or dashboard.
Small-sized wideband speakers that are integrated near the headliner to reproduce a height dimension in the audio experience
Shallow lightweight speakers that are integrated in the headrest to create a personal nearfield sound zone
Boxes to increase the overall acoustical performance by combining a woofer in box and a mid range speaker
Sealed or ported box volume with integrated woofer, to reproduce low frequencies